Rockrose Livery | Our Mission, the differene & your team!
Welcome to Rockrose! Your horse is your pride and job and deserves the best – the best is what we aim to offer!!
Rockrose livery recognise the realities of modern life and so offer an individual service which allows you to
achieve your equestrian ambitions without compromising other important areas such as family, career & education!
At Rockrose we believe you build your most important relationship with your horses whilst in the saddle & we want
you to maximise that time! Who hasn't arrived at their yard to discover a mud caked horse & by the time there's a
clean horse its too dark to ride! That doesn’t have to happen!!
Rockrose is run by professionals who have either competed at national, international or have been part of teams
accomplishing that level of competition. They are hugely experienced & understand what it takes to manage a
competition season on behalf of busy riders.
All top riders have a team behind them – our team is your team.